The E2 Treaty Investor Visa gives investors and startup owners permission to live and work in the United States of America. The visa allows them to direct and develop relevant business opportunities while allowing the entry of Essential, Executive, and Management skills and employees. Employees who are nationals of the same E2 Visa nation as investors might also qualify for an E2 visa.
E2 Visa Applicant Specification
Investors from eligible or qualifying nations might apply for the E2 visa to ‘direct and develop their respective businesses. They can also apply for E2 visas for specialist employees and key managerial roles that are especially helpful for medium-scale and large-sized businesses.
Applicants can typically apply for the E2 Visa at the respective US Consulate, or Embassy accredited to the location of permanent residence. As an integral part of the visa application process, an interview at the consular section of the consulate is required for visa applicants from the age of 14 years to 79 years. Individuals aged 13 years or younger and above the age of 80 usually do not require a proper interview –unless the consulate or embassy requests it.
During the E2 visa application process, typically at the interview, a digital and in-free fingerprint scan is taken before the process of interview. Some applicants might require additional screening. The process of E2 visa application can vary from one consular post to another –from one country to another. This is because there are differences in the overall policies and visa processing methods.
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E2 Visa Employees
As the primary applicant receives registration as the E2 Treaty Investor, he or she can access E2 investor Visas for eligible or qualifying employees who might be of the same nationality as the investor. Obtaining E2 visas can take around two weeks.